Course in advanced data structure design, analysis, and implementation. We will study such data structures and applications as balanced trees, tries, graphs, hashing, disjoint subsets and union-find, skiplists, treaps, random number generation, memory management, indexing, and compression.
BILD 3 is an introduction to biology in the context of whole organisms, their evolution, ecology, and behavior. The planet is teeming with a vast diversity of life, and the goal of this course is for you to understand the nature of that diversity, the evolutionary origin of species, mechanisms for the continuing diversification of life, and the ecological relationships between living organisms and their environment. We will also discuss human impacts on global climates, species extinctions, environmental alterations, and the role of conservation in protecting species diversity.
Wide-ranging survey introducing the key aspects of modern art and criticism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including neoclassicism, romanticism, realism, impressionism, postimpressionism, symbolism, fauvism, cubism, Dadaism and surrealism, abstract expressionism, minimalism, earth art, and conceptual art.
The political, economic, and intellectual history of the Roman world from the foundation of Rome to the disintegration of the Western empire. This course will emphasize the importance of the political and cultural contributions of Rome to modern society.
Matrix algebra, Gaussian elimination, determinants. Linear and affine subspaces, bases of Euclidean spaces. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, quadratic forms, orthogonal matrices, diagonalization of symmetric matrices. Applications. Computing symbolic and graphical solutions using Matlab.
The purpose of the Warren Writing sequence is to enable undergraduate students, through intensive practice, to read and write academic arguments in preparation for their work in various academic disciplines. It is required of all Warren College students.
Examination of hip hop's music, technology, lyrics and dance and its influence in graffiti, film, music video, fiction, advertising, gender, corporate investment, government and censorship with a critical focus on race, gender, popular culture and the politics of creative expression. (Crosslisted with Ethnic Studies 128).
Introduction to organization of modern digital computers—understanding the various components of a computer and their interrelationships. Study of a specific architecture/machine with emphasis on systems programming in C and Assembly languages in a UNIX environment. Prerequisites: CSE 12 and CSE 15L; restricted to undergraduates.